Preventative Maintenance Program

Learn how we keep your property in great condition

We are strong believers in quality work and preventive maintenance. Every property under our professional investor management is part of our signature preventive maintenance program that allows us to be in close contact with it on a regular basis and catch the vast majority of issues before they become large and expensive.

  • January: Replace furnace filters
  • February: Safety reminder - Smoke Alarm and CO detectors email with testing instructions (sent every 6 months)
  • March: Tree and bush trimming
  • April: Clean gutters, moss treatment, inspect roof for damages
  • May: Guided tenant self-inspection (we provide a checklist)
  • June: Clean dryer vents, email tenants to clean lint catchers
  • July: Exterior work, garbage removal
  • August: Safety reminder - Smoke Alarm and CO detectors email with testing instructions (sent every 6 months)
  • September: Clean gutters, inspect exterior siding and trim
  • October: Inspect furnaces, replace furnace filters
  • November: Winterize exterior hose bibs, annual property inspections
  • December: Annual property inspections